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Commande #29689

Hubstairs #1 - 2 textes

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Création d'articles pour la startup Hubstairs, créateur de contenus visuels en 3D pour le secteur de la décoration et de la maison.

Texte #1
1500 mots

Enterprise : 3D visual content provider for Home & Living businesses, providing retailers with a self serve visual merchandising SaaS solution to increase their conversion rate
Tone : Expert
Target : CMO, CDO, CEO home & living retailers
Article title: How 3D decrease return rate on your e-commerce website?
SEO : 3D, visual merchandising, e-commerce, online shopping, user experience
Words: 1500

1- Market information :
- the return rate on e-commerce sites is about 33%.
- 1/3 of all products purchased online are returned to manufacturers or distributors
- Statistica has estimated that these returns, from buyer to seller, amount to $550 billion per year in the United States alone
- Shopify reveals that 41% of consumers now buy with a view to a possible return. Thus, they pay to be able to try different models of a product they see online at home, which is ultimately much easier than in a store.
- ...

2- 3D is the solution because
- To highlight all material quality and diversity on a product
- To demonstrate a product from all sides (viewer 3D)
- To show a product with photorealistic product rendering

++ Statistics that you can used to argue :
- 22% of returns are simply due to the fact that the product photos, the packshots, do not correspond to the actual appearance of the product and the use that can be made of it.
- Product photography is essential for any e-commerce site: Studies on how customers interact on the website show that 90% of them think that image quality is the most important factor in a sale. (source: Etsy's analyses)
- 91% of customers want a 360° view of their products

> *** URL MASQUÉE ***

Lucille-27461 a été choisi pour la rédaction de ce texte.

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Texte #2
1500 mots

Enterprise : 3D visual content provider for Home & Living businesses, providing retailers with a self serve visual merchandising SaaS solution to increase their conversion rate
Tone : Expert
Target : CMO, CDO, CEO home & living retailers
Article title: 3 visual merchandising keys to boost sales on e-commerce?
SEO : e-commerce, online shopping, 3D, visual merchandising
Words: 1500

Online shoppers can't touch luxurious materials, test a sofa or check the quality of leathers... Visual, data and customers feedback help customers to make decision to buy.

Visual merchandising presents a retailer’s e-commerce website in an enticing way to attract customers , drive traffic and sales

1- Focus on the customers’ needs and the unique benefits of choosing your company :
Monitoring the breadth and depth of competitor’s catalogue, and tracking products your rivals add, remove or have out of stock.

2- Focus on the high quality product visuals :
- Immediate visual impact is essential - Product photos are your number one sales tool in e-commerce.
illustrate details, boosting consumer confidence in the merchandise. (When one store added customer photos to their product pages, checkout increased by an impressive 24%.)
- Product card should visual : packshot, zoom, product in situation,
Consumers' preferences for viewing a product online are:
55.64%: 360° or 3D animation with Zoom
30.83%: multi-angle photo
9.02%: video
3.76%: photo
(push 3D rendering in the article)

3- Showcase user-generated content to encourage consumer engagement and social proof.
Consumers are now more likely to trust and base their purchase decisions on fellow consumers’ feedback than on corporate content.
>*** URL MASQUÉE ***

Pierre-Emmanuel-5280 a été choisi pour la rédaction de ce texte.

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